If you want to change your personal details saved in your account, follow these steps:
Log into your account.
From the left-hand menu go to My profile.
You can edit your personal details.
If you add a new bank account it may need to be verified before any payments can be made. If we need any documentation to do this, we will contact you.
Our app
You cannot update your personal details in the app at the moment.
To add or update details for a Junior ISA
To add a bank account for regular payments to a Junior ISA.
Log into your account.
From the left-hand menu go to My profile.
Then Other accounts.
You can update the details there.
If you are updating a bank account it will need to be a personal, UK bank account in your own name.
We may need to verify it before any payments can be made. If we need any documentation to do this, we will contact you.
Need more help?
Do you have a Vanguard account?
Getting help in difficult circumstances
Please contact us if you’re having financial difficulties, navigating a difficult time in your life, or if your mental wellbeing is affected. This happens to many in these uncertain times. We’re here to help.
Have a complaint?
Let us know how we can help.
Contact us