Build your own portfolio
If you’re a hands-on investor you can build your own portfolio using our individual funds. You’ve got a wide range of fund types to choose from, including index funds, active funds and ETFs
Index funds
Track the market.
Active funds
Aim for a better return than the market.
Funds you can trade on the stock exchange.
Buy a ready-made fund portfolio
Each ready-made fund portfolio gives you access to thousands of bonds and shares in a single investment. It helps spread your money around so all your eggs aren't in one basket.
LifeStrategy funds
Balance risk and reward with a LifeStrategy fund that mixes bonds and shares in a way that’s right for you.
Target Retirement funds
These funds automatically start switching into more stable investments as you get closer to retirement.
We do it for you
Picking your own funds is not for everyone. If you prefer, we can do it for you. You get matched with investments based on how you feel about risk, then we manage it all for you.
Stocks and Shares ISA
Invest up to £20,000 per year tax-free. Our low-cost ISA helps you keep more of your returns.
Personal Pension
Make your retirement savings go further with our low-cost Self-Invested Personal Pension (SIPP).