Which? Recommended Provider
“I wish I could have invested with Vanguard years ago”
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We are a Which? Recommended Provider for Self-Invested Personal Pensions for the fifth year in a row.

Start a transfer
How to transfer
Step 1
Tell us a few details about your existing provider and investments. Please check your personal details like your name and address are up-to-date with your existing provider as any differences can slow things down.
If we manage your investments for you, you'll need to call us to start a transfer. You can speak to us on 0800 587 0460 from 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday.
Step 2
If your investments can be transferred online, you won’t normally need to do anything else. We’ll only contact you if we need some extra information.
Step 3
Some providers need to see signed paperwork before transferring. If your provider is one of them we’ll give you a pre-filled form to print off, sign and post to us.
Step 4
We’ll let you know when it’s complete. Most transfers take up to 30 business days, but can sometimes take longer.
To complete your transfer, your existing provider may sell your current investments and send the money to us. We’ll then re-invest your money in the Vanguard funds you’ve chosen. If markets go up while your money isn’t invested, you could potentially miss out on some gains.
What you’ll need
Your National Insurance number
Your account number with your existing provider
Some details about your existing investments
What you can transfer
Cash ISAs (to our Stocks and Shares ISA)
Junior ISAs (full transfers only)
Stocks and Shares ISAs (full or partial transfers)
General Investment Accounts (Vanguard funds only)
Why transfer to us?
Choice of funds
Over 85 Vanguard funds including active funds, ETFs and LifeStrategy funds.
Our funds are good value, which means you can keep more of your returns.
Save time
Manage all your investments in one account. You can link your family’s accounts too.
Our fees and charges
What you’ll pay to invest depends on how you manage your account and the value of your investment.
Transfers usually take up to 30 business days. Sometimes it can take longer, depending on your existing provider.
We don’t charge a fee but your existing provider might charge a fee for transferring out. It’s best to check with them first.
The Key features document, Terms and conditions and Important information contain everything you’ll need to know about the Vanguard account you’ll be transferring to.