It depends on what type of account you have and the value of your investments.
You can view all the fee changes and how they could affect you on our upcoming fees and charges page.
In summary
If you have a self-managed:
Stocks and Shares ISA
Personal Pension (SIPP)
General Account
one of the above and a managed account
And all your investments combined from all your accounts – do not include cash or what is in a Junior ISA, if you have one – come to under £32,000, you will pay the minimum fee.
Accounts not affected
If you have a Junior ISA, you will continue to pay 0.15% of the total invested balance.
If your only account is a Managed Stocks and Shares ISA or Managed Personal Pension, you will continue to pay 0.15% of your total invested balance.
Need more help?
Do you have a Vanguard account?
Getting help in difficult circumstances
Please contact us if you’re having financial difficulties, navigating a difficult time in your life, or if your mental wellbeing is affected. This happens to many in these uncertain times. We’re here to help.
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